Karli's mom is in town and we all went out for dinner! We had a blast! Oh, that crazy guy on the second picture is not Janelle's boyfriend, just a crazy server that wanted to be on the picture! :)
My cute nephew Enzo turned 1!!! My sister and brother in law organized the cutest party ever! He was soooo cute! Too bad we couldnt all be there but Bella represented all of us! :)Everything looked amazing, good job! And Happy B-day, Enzo!!! Love ya!
Yeap, we are trying to get Jackson to be potty trained. Oh, boy!!! We have done it once do we really have to do it again??? haha ... He has had interested here and there so I decided to get some extra help and get him hopefully potty trained soon! I did a lot of research and was ready for the whole thing. I first found this movie that has awesome reviews on potty training kids. I then got a bunch of little prizes in a bucket that are his potty training prizes. So I had that prize bucket and a special book all together by the toilet. We got him Cars pull ups ... we were ready. I watched the movie with him on thrusday and after the movie made him all excited to run to the toilet and be a big kid. I showed him the special book he could read while trying to go potty, told him he could pick out a special prize out of the bucket if he did go potty, showed him the big kid underwear ... He was sooo excited! After reading the book, talking about potty training ... he actually DID IT!!! :) He was sooo excited and kept saying "big kid", haha ... so cute! I kept asking every 30 minutes or so if he needed to go, took him to the toilet here and there ... He actually can pee now in the toilet when seats down for a while. Yeah, hes having little accidents here and there but also is excited to got to the toilet and try so thats why Im not giving up. Lots of work but so worth it when you see his exciment on getting it down! Youre doing a great job, Jackson! Keep it up!!!
Jackson the other day went down the stairs by hilself after hearing the sprinklers going off. I went after him and found him soaking wet and having so much fun! Of course I went and got the camera to take pictures of this silly cute boy. About 30 minutes went by and Jackson still didnt want to come into the house until Jared heard the ice cream truck and asked him if he wanted an ice cream! :) What else could he want, huh? Oh, summer!!! Soo much fun!!!
It was a fun night first of all, got to hang out with friends and family and watch the boys hit the balls. My cousin, which is a BYU reporter, came over to get an interview with Jared about the event and recorded the boys hitting. Cj won a Wii for winning on his age group! :) Jared and Justin did not make it! Jared hit 2 home runs and a total of 24 points! Didnt win but Im proud of you, babe! It was fun to see you hit couple home runs! :)
Jared, his bother Justin and cousin Cj all participated on the 1st Round Home Run Derby at the Owls stadium yesterday. They all made it to tonights final rounds! :) Jared hit the longest home run, 500 + feet! :) Jared's group had about 45 guys that hit last night and they took the top 10 to go to tonights final rounds! Good job guys and good luck tonight!!! :)
I was organizing my closet today when I heard this sweet voice asking for "mommy" and as I looked down I saw Jackson showing his hand to me covered in "red". I say coverd in "red" because of the fact of him being very calm and not crying I thought maybe he got a hold of some red food and made some mess out of it or maybe got a hold of a red marker ... but as I looked closer I saw that actually was really blood. I asked him to show me what made him bleed and he took me to his room. As I walked in, I saw this picture frame of Bella that hangs up on the wall by Bellas bed, all with broken pieces of glass and blood spots here and there. I took him to the bathroom to wash his hands when I saw a lot of little cuts here and there and a bigger one on his thumb that woulnd stoop bleeding. Without anyone there to help me think what to do and worrying about glass inside of the cuts I thought I would just take him to an Instant Care. I looked at him and said we needed to see a doctor and he would make it all ok. Sweet Jackson replied to me saying, Ok, mom! Hes sooo brave! :) As we arrived at the Instant Care, the nurse asked me what happened and I started crying ... Can you believe that? My kid wasnt but I was!!! We were there for about 2 hours total! They got x-rays done to make sure no pieces of glass were inside of the cuts, gave him a tetanos vaccine and glued his thumb other than giving stiches just because of the healing being faster and not getting infected. He was sooo good! I was very scared for my litte boy and felt so bad! Im sooo proud of you, Jackson and how good you did through the whole process! I love you, Jackson!
Here is a picture of Jackson showing off his cool dinosaurs! :)
Yay, graduation day finally came! What a long year, huh babe? Leaving the house at 5:30 am to go to your full time job and getting home at 10 pm from school monday through friday. Saturdays? Were long and boring until you would get home at 5 pm from school! Lots of sacrifices and hard work went on it and what I thought sometimes was imposible to do it is now done! The kids and I are soo very proud of you! We are also happy to have you back in our lives! :) Love ya!
Jared was pretty darn good through out school with his shooting skills but I was soo proud when they called his name to give him the "Firearms Award"!!! Congrats, honey!
Jareds parents, Gary and Loraine, came from Wa to be at the graduation! :) Sister Janelle with Apana, brother Justin with Shannon were there to support Jared as well. The Hildebrand side including Grandma were also there. Diane Ballstaed, my cousin Vanessa and friends from Brasil also made it! Thank you all for coming and supporting Jared! Thanks also to Beth and Manuel for watching Jackson for the night! Love you all!
We had a fun 4th but we sure missed you, Bella! We started with waking up early to get good seats at the parade, a family tradition since we have the kids. Jackson had a blast watching it, specially the ballons! We took long naps in the affternoon and at night was what Jackson most loved, "fire", what he calls fireworks. The neighbors and us had a little show that Jackson loved watching and Jackson had his first sparkles! After fireworks you would think Jackson would be ready for bed but daddy and Jack were up to play some baseball even being way passed Jacksons bed time! :)