Saturday, April 25, 2009

Yay, Vava is finally here! :)

Yay, my mom finally got here from Brazil yesterday! We are having sooo much fun and sooo much more to come. She already spoiled the heck of everyone here and my kids couldnt go to bed last night before midnight! Too much excitement! Bella was so cute when making sure we had flowers to give to her when we got to the airport. Jack and Bella ran to her and gave the cutest hug to Vava when they saw her. Sooo cute!


Karli said...

Grandma's are the best! Have fun with your mom. Let's hang sometime! Peace

Semiramis said...

Is it me, or Bella's starting to look a little more like Jared? I think it might be the eyes (shape) ... at least in the top picture - Yay for Grandmas!

romanrobertaloftus said...

E' tao bom quando a mae da gente ta' perto! Aproveita bem... Voce vai no proximo GNO?