Monday, November 29, 2010

X-mas decorating as a family:)

What a good night we had as a family decorating the house tonight! :) X-mas songs playing, the whole family involved, everyone sooo happy, oh how I love X-mas!!! At the end of the night, I turned off all lights and we all sat in front of your X-mas tree just staring at it! :) This is such a good season, enjoy it!!!


Minha Vida said...

uau, que competencia. Eu tenho no meu To do list para pegar as caixas com as decoracoes a quase 3 semanas, mas... ando ignorando essa lista!

Ingrid Beecroft said...

ah que lindo, adorei mulher.
Menina faz tanto tempo que eu nao te vejo, nem falo com vc, eu nem sabia que vc tinha esse blog, eu nunca mais usei o meu, mas agora decidi voltar entao vou add o seu..vamos ver se nos vermos neh..bjos.